Dr. Alexander Pelzer

Vice President
Head Research & Development BRAIN Biotech Zwingenberg
Dr. Alexander Pelzer
© BRAIN Biotech AG
  • Born in 1986
  • Studied biology at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf
  • Scholarship from the CLIB-Graduate Cluster Industrial Biotechnology for doctoral studies at the Institute for Molecular Enzyme Technology (IMET) of the Jülich Research Center
  • Focused on the biochemical and physiological characterization of different enzymes from pseudomonads
  • Broad scientific education in biocatalysis, gene expression, and omics technologies

Alexander specialised on the development of industrial enzymes, i.e. application-related identification, protein engineering as well as product development. A short stay at AB Enzymes, Finland, arouse his interest in applying science for industrial challenges.

Alexander at BRAIN Biotech:

  • 2014: Research scientist and project manager in the Enzymes & Biocatalysts Unit
  • 2017: Platform Coordinator of the Tailor-Made Biocatalysts Technology Platform
  • Since 2018: Head of the entire Enzymes & Biocatalysts Technology Unit
  • Since 2023: Head Research & Development at the Zwingenberg site

“Innovative thinking and the use of new computer-aided processes are a significant part of my strategy to harness the expertise gained from BRAIN Biotech’s history more quickly and in a targeted manner.”

Contact me via business@brain-biotech.com
or feel free to contact me via LinkedIn.

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