MetXtra™ platform for enzyme discovery
we discover the enzyme tailored to your application
Identify tailored enzymes that will work effectively in your applications via the MetXtra™ platform to enable your biocatalytic process, develop novel enzymatic solutions and step ahead of your competition.
MetXtra™ consist of three modules:
- MetXtra™ database is unique in adding 99.8% new proteins and functionality to the known sequence space. It is a growing database to which new metagenomes from Nagoya-compliant sources continue to be added.
- MetXtra™ design creates new enzymes beyond natural sequence space by AI-driven enzyme design.
- MetXtra™ discover identifies enzymes tailored to your application by combining technologies such as sequence and structural bioinformatics with AI approaches to achieve the optimal solution.
Comprehensive projects that address every aspect:
- semi-automated multi-parameter evaluation ensures high accuracy while assessing application-relevant properties;
- benefit from investigation of your novel enzymes in our selection of gene expression strains or industrial production strains (Plug & Produce) providing immediate scale up opportunities.