A fermenter and a graphic

Bio-based products and solutions for a bio-based future

We specialise in industrial biotechnology and are helping to drive a bio-based future.

In the BRAIN Biotech Group we develop microbial strains and fermentation processes. We discover, optimize and produce enzymes and proteins. We identify bioactive compounds.

With our innovative products and solutions for nutrition, health and the environment, we support industry in its efforts to create processes and products that are more sustainable. We rely on biotechnology as a tool for developing the bioeconomy – and creating a bio-based future.

Why work with us?

  • Interdisciplinary, experienced project teams: Our scientists work side by side with our experts for the respective industrial application. Their in-depth understanding of technology and many years of application experience are incorporated into the goal-oriented project design. In addition, we have gained experience from more than 50 exclusive upscale projects.
  • Access to BRAIN Bioarchive / SeqPool: We offer our customers access to the BRAIN Bioarchive, a comprehensive collection of microorganisms and natural substances. The collection, which is constantly being expanded by the BRAIN Biotech Group, also contains fractions from edible plant materials, metagenome and enzyme libraries, and complete metabolic pathways including previously unculturable organisms.
  • High-yielding host organisms: We hold high-yielding host organisms (fungi, bacteria and yeasts), and we have industrial-scale fermentation/production capabilities at our UK site.
  • Broad technology portfolio: including protein engineering, genome editing (with proprietary genome editing nucleases), metagenome technologies, next-generation sequencing, precision fermentation, applied bioinformatics, 3D modeling, instrumental analytics.
  • Adding value: Solution-oriented, always keeping our customers' requirements in mind, we contribute to adding value – from concept to production and beyond.

Fermentation at Biocatalysts
© Biocatalysts

Group capabilities

All companies in the BRAIN Biotech Group act as interconnected entities in the fields of research and development, process development and production, or as suppliers in specialty markets.

BRAIN Biotech Group

A part of the BRAIN Bauhaus building, with a graphical element

Driving innovation

BRAIN Biotech AG in Zwingenberg, Germany, serves as the headquarter of the BRAIN Biotech Group. Ever since its inception in 1993, it has been a driver and high-tech pioneer of the industrial biotechnology and a sustainable bioeconomy.

BRAIN Biotech AG

BRAIN Biotech in figures

> 30
years of biotech experience
at the Zwingenberg site
> 40
years of enzyme experience
at the Cardiff site (Biocatalysts Ltd.)
employees in
the BRAIN Biotech Group
specialty products for B2B business
active patent families with varying numbers of individual patents
million euro revenue in FY 2022/23

Our products & services

Product sales

The BRAIN Biotech Group offers around 350 ready to buy specialty products for B2B. These comprise customized enzymes, bioactive natural compounds and high-performance microorganisms. This portfolio is constantly fueled by project realizations from our New Business Development pipeline.

Products & Markets

Breakthroughs & Services

BRAIN Biotech AG has a long track record of dedicated contract R&D programs with industry partners. We offer joint development of customer-specific solutions and exclusive R&D partnerships. Together with industrial partners we also develop new product candidates.


News & Views

10 October 2023
Image detail certificate

Akribion Genomics wins first prize in life science start-up competition

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18 September 2023
Dr. Paul Scholz and VAAM President Prof. Dr. Stefan Pelzer in an auditorium of the Georg-August-University in Göttingen

VAAM Innovation Award for discovery of novel CRISPR nuclease family

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5 July 2023

30 Years "Biotech the Future"

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Learn more about BRAIN Biotech

BRAIN Graphic
BRAIN Biotech for Investors

Careers at BRAIN Biotech

BRAIN Biotech Media

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